SERMON SERIES: THE INHERITANCE OF THE REDEEMED ~ Message: The Gift of Predestination ~ Sermon 1

THE INHERITANCE OF THE REDEEMED SERMON SERIES ~ THE INHERITANCE OF THE REDEEMED Message: The Gift of Predestination ~ Sermon 1 Blessings That Belong to All Who Trust in Christ “Christians often do not know how much God has graciously given them. In this series, Pastor Lutzer attempts to remedy that problem by showing us eight biblical gifts from God that are an inheritance for the redeemed. Come and praise God as you behold His marvelous provision for His people.” Message : The Gift of Predestination ~ Sermon 1 Scripture : Romans 8:28, Romans 9, Ephesians 1 ESV “From before creation, God predestined Christians to salvation and instigated a plan to redeem us out of a world filled with sin. He did all of this for the praise of His glorious grace. God’s will and purpose are continuing to unfold around us. As we declare the Gospel to all we meet, He continues to open hearts, drawing the elect to Himself through Jesus Christ.” Scripture ~ Ephesians 1:3-14 ESV ~ PRE...